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Wedding Head Table Seating Ideas

As a wedding planner and coordinator I find many of my clients stress about seating arrangements at their wedding. The first thing to start with is what type of head table do you want? There are several options.

Traditional head table - a long banquet table with the bride and groom at the center and the bridesmaids on one side and groomsmen on the other side.


  • the guests can all see the entire bridal party.

  • this is good for pictures.


  • the bridal party can't see each other to talk easily.

  • attendants dates may be left sitting with people they don't know.

Sweetheart table option 1 - the bride and groom at a small, intimate table with the groomsmen at a larger table and the bridesmaids at another larger table.


  • the bride and groom get to have some private time together.

  • everyone can see the table so all eyes are focused on the newly married couple.

  • this can still be a good option for pictures if you have the tables on either side of the sweetheart table.


  • if the bride or groom get up for an extended period of time the other could be left sitting there alone.

  • the attendants dates may be left sitting with people they do not know.

Sweetheart table option 2 - same as option 1 but the bridesmaids and groomsmen have their dates at the tables with them.


  • the bride and groom get to have some private time together.

  • everyone can see the table so all eyes are focused on the newly married couple.

  • the attendants dates get to sit with them so they are not left alone.


  • if the bride or groom get up for an extended period of time the other could be left sitting there alone.

  • not as good in pictures since the attendants dates will also be at the tables.

Round table - if you have a smaller bridal party you could use a 60" or 72" round table and have the entire bridal party sit there with the bride and groom.


  • the bride and groom get to sit with their attendants.

  • the bridal party can easily talk with each other.


  • depending on the number of people in the bridal party some may have their backs to the guests.

The above are by no means the only options for head tables. Some people use no head table at all. You could even leave two extra chairs at each guest table and use those to mingle through the room.

When deciding on the head, table take into account what is important to you. Would you prefer to have some alone time with your new spouse or would you rather sit with your attendants? Do you like more traditional or more modern? Do you want formal pictures of your head table or do you like more candid while people are mingling?

Whatever you decide just relax and have fun! It's your wedding, you can do whatever you want. This is your special day so enjoy it!

WeddingsMelissa Martin